What to Expect
I tailor your massage to your unique needs using a variety of techniques.
I love using techniques which target the nervous system, thereby targeting the root of pain and tension in the body. I rotate many techniques depending on the goals of my clients and what I may observe during sessions. While I use many different techniques, such as scraping, passive range of motion, and positional release, they all are utilized with these goals in mind: to relax the nervous system and retrain patterns of motion that are counterproductive to healthy body mechanics.
I work closely with all of my clients to monitor the progress of their goals and determine what's working for them and what isn't. I have three main styles, typical Swedish style massage, athletic style massage (usually clothes on with lots of stretching), and a combination of both.
You will have total control over the extent to which you undress and where you would like to have massage. My massage experience offers a moment of not just relaxation and pain relief, but connection and comfort.
If you have read all this and find yourself interested in scheduling a massage...
New clients are accepted only upon referral from an established client.
Contact me if you have questions.